Knowledge that every forklift battery user should know

Safety hazards of forklift batteries

Nowadays, more and more companies, enterprises and places are willing to choose to use battery forklifts for various reasons such as from energy saving, pollution to the environment, indoor noise pollution and special industry requirements such as food, etc. And after choosing battery forklifts, the safe and standardized use of forklift batteries has gradually become a management hidden danger that should not be underestimated.

There is an accident described as follows.

The electric forklift driver in a factory drove the forklift to the parking garage and charged the electric forklift after work at night, and when the driver arrived at the forklift on the second day, the electric forklift battery burst and the electrolyte splashed onto the driver causing multiple burns. After investigation, the safety section denied the quality of the battery, and the driver was fully responsible for the accident.
Analysis of the cause of the accident: When charging the electric forklift, the battery cover must be opened to dissipate heat. Because the electrolyte will heat up during the charging process, the driver did not remove the battery cover while charging is the reason for the battery explosion.

Other accident causes of forklift battery

Because of other accident causes, there is no specific description, such as whether the driver was smoking when approaching the charging forklift, whether the forklift charging location was set up with ventilation facilities, whether the forklift battery routine maintenance was correct, etc. Therefore, we will not determine who is directly responsible for this accident here, what we want to share with you today is under what circumstances the forklift battery will explode and the kinds of accidents that may happen in other aspects of the battery.


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