forklift battery discharge

Lethal danger!!! Forklift battery must not be discharged deeply

Deep discharge of lead-acid battery will cause sulfation of the internal plates of the battery, resulting in the increase of internal resistance of the battery, which will cause the phenomenon of “reverse polarity” of individual battery and permanent damage of the battery.

depth of discharge on the battery cycle life has a great impact

the battery depth of discharge on the battery cycle life has a great impact, because the deeper the depth of discharge, the greater the amount of electrode expansion and contraction, the more active material off the positive electrode, thus losing the discharge characteristics, performance decline, until the end of life. Do shallow discharge and diligent charging, in general, should do: the battery discharge depth of 50%-70% when charging once the best.

continue to discharge will seriously damage the battery

after the battery discharge to the termination voltage, continue to discharge (over discharge) will seriously damage the battery, because at this time is very easy to form irreversible sulfation, so that the charging ability to return to poor, or even can not be repaired. So now most of the battery equipment have “undervoltage protection” measures, but the instrument indication, indicators and other power-consuming accessories and battery surface cleaning is not timely caused by local leakage, not controlled by the “undervoltage protection” controller, so into the “Under voltage protection” state should be charged in time to avoid excessive consumption of battery life, usually also pay attention to keep the battery external clean, the pole joint is connected properly.

The charging current should be less than acceptable current

The charging current should be less than or equal to the acceptable charging current of the battery, otherwise the excess current generated by overcharging will cause the electrolyte to be consumed too fast and produce a serious hiccup phenomenon, which will make charging very difficult after a long time, so overcharging should be prevented as much as possible when charging, and it is better to use the matching charging equipment. Meanwhile, the consumption of water in the electrolyte of lead-acid battery is inevitable, so it will be a good habit to check the water level of battery electrolyte and replenish distilled water in time. Of course, you can also choose to use the automatic water replenishment device produced by LHNY to solve this problem once and for all.

In general

In general, shallow discharge battery life will be about 50% longer than deep discharge battery, at any time scientific and reasonable use habits can effectively improve the service life of the equipment. Choosing proper supporting equipment, such as the correct charging equipment, LHNY automatic water replenishment device, etc., can effectively improve the efficiency and service life of the equipment.


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