1.What water goes in forklift battery?
The “water” in the forklift battery is called electrolyte and is actually a mixture of sulfuric acid and water. During charging the battery heats up and some of the water will leave the battery cell through evaporation. In addition, though a process called electrolysis the water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen gases, which float out of the cell. Overtime this reduces the electrolyte level in the battery, and the water will need replacing with either deionized water or distilled water.
If the electrolyte level gets too low, then the plates in the battery cells can become exposed which causes damage. In addition, the sulphuric acid becomes more concentrated.
The type of forklift battery water you use is very important, get it wrong and you can significantly reduce the batteries life, which can cost you £1000’s in replacing the battery, and even more in reduced productivity.

One of the most frequent questions we hear regarding batteries is, “What kind of water do you put in a battery?” Water that is free from impurities and measuring between a 5 and 7 on the PH scale is preferred. Forklift battery water should always be clean and pure. Using water containing even small amounts of impurities, such as regular tap water, can lead to battery damage from the chemical and mineral content in the water.
The most common type of water for forklift batteries is deionized water. Please note that filtration alone will not do this. Filters are designed to remove suspended particles from the water and not dissolved solids.
2.When should you add water to a forklift battery?
Knowing the correct time to add water to a battery is also a key piece of knowledge for regular forklift battery maintenance. Forklift batteries typically need watering about once a week when used every day. Batteries that have been in use for an extended period of time, or are reconditioned, should be checked after every five charges. If properly maintained, new batteries can be checked every ten charges for the first few years of use. To check the water levels, open up the battery and inspect the battery elements. As mentioned in step two, these should be roughly a quarter inch above the element protector. If the level is too low, top off the battery.

3.How much water should be in a forklift battery?
Keep the forklift battery plates below the water-line when charging. This helps to ensure that they don’t overheat and dry out. If this happens the battery may become unusable or lose capacity. If the plates are above the water-line, add water to about a quarter inch above the plates and avoid completely topping off the battery.
4.What happens if you overfill a battery with water?
If too much water was added before charging, the electrolyte levels will expand and cause the battery to overflow and damage the battery. Additionally, excessive watering of a battery can result in additional dilution of the electrolyte, resulting in reduced battery performance.
5.How to add water for forklift battery?
There are two methods: manually adding water and intelligently adding water.
Professional manufacturer of intelligent watering system: Hubei Lham Energy Tech Co.,Ltd.
It is a patented product independently researched and developed by Hubei Lham Energy. It is an auxiliary equipment to upgrade lead-acid batteries without adding water.

水箱:water tank
自动加水控制器:automatic water filling controller
传感注液阀:sensing liquid injection valve
注液阀套件: liquid injection valve sets
Structure Configuration
Function: Automatically filling water for forklift battery, no manual operation.
We also suggest you use battery watering gun, for more information: Whatsapp: +8618007279352