Will Lead-acid Batteries Explode?

Lead-acid batteries are used in many vehicles, especially in electric vehicles and cars. Most of them are lead-acid batteries. Will lead-acid batteries explode or catch fire?

Lead-acid batteries generally do not explode and spontaneously ignite. In lead-acid batteries, since the electrolyte is sulfuric acid and the plates are lead, these are relatively stable substances. But don’t forget that in addition to the sulfuric acid electrolyte, there is water inside the lead-acid battery.

Once the battery is short-circuited, the water will be electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen. There will be an explosion. But nowadays, gel batteries are generally used. The moisture content inside the battery is small, and the concentration of hydrogen and oxygen to be electrolyzed is low, so the risk of fire and explosion is not easy to occur.

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But also note that not 100% will not catch fire and explode. If it is in some specific environments, there may still be problems of fire and even explosion. For example, if it is used in a closed environment, the fluidity of the air is relatively poor, and the temperature of the environment is relatively high, this kind of battery is prone to short circuit, and if the hydrogen and oxygen produced come into contact with an open flame, it may explode.

In addition, when charging the lead-acid battery, try not to expose it to sunlight (because the temperature of the battery itself will rise when the battery is charging. If it is exposed to the sun again at this time, the two temperatures will resist each other, and the battery will It is easy to explode.

Precautions for use of lead-acid batteries

After a new battery is put into use, it must be charged and discharged regularly. The purpose of charging is to restore the storage capacity of the battery in time to meet the needs of electrical equipment. The purpose of discharging is to check the capacity parameters of the battery in time and to promote the activation reaction of the electrode active material. The charging and discharging status of the battery will directly affect the electrical performance and service life of the battery. There are many ways to charge the battery, and choosing a scientific and reasonable charging method will greatly improve the maintenance effect of the battery.

  1. Ensure adequate insulation measures are in place between and around the battery and equipment. Insufficient insulation measures may cause electric shock, short-circuit heating, smoking or burning.
  2. Charging application charger, directly connected to the DC power supply may cause battery leakage, heating or burning.
  3. Due to self-discharge, the battery capacity will slowly decrease. Please recharge the battery before using after prolonged storage.

When you use electric vehicles and cars, you must pay attention to the use of batteries. I hope that you will pay more attention to the maintenance of batteries in order to avoid potential accidents.


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